What Is A Space Heater: Types, Where, And Safety

what is a space heater

What is a space heater? Space heaters are a very practical solution for raising the air temperature.

The different types of space heaters, where to put them, and some safety measures you should take are all covered below. Read on to learn more about space heaters in our in-depth buying guide, which we’ve also included.

What is a Space Heater?

In rooms like bathrooms, garages, urinals, and other similar spaces, space heaters are a very practical solution for raising the air temperature. Since space heaters are movable heating appliances, you can easily move them to the location where their output is most required! You have a dependable source of the additional heat that you can easily control when you can move your space heater from room to room as needed.

What Are the Different Types of Space Heaters?

There are many different kinds of space heaters available, including those that use wood pellets instead of electricity, gas, or oil to generate heat. We’ll go over them in detail here.

Fan Or Electric Fan Space Heaters

Portable heaters with fans or electric fans are incredibly popular. They quickly produce a significant amount of heat, but the temperature increase is only temporary. You won’t be able to feel the benefits of the temperature increase after the space heater has been turned off because the stream of hot air won’t effectively heat the space around it.

One of the more affordable options for portable heaters is a fan or electric fan, but these heaters use a lot of power and are not at all eco-friendly. Never use a fan or electric fan space heater while unattended because they are not known for their dependability and can be quite dangerous.

Kerosene, Oil, Or Gas Space Heaters

These space heaters are among the oldest available, and as you might anticipate, they produce a lot of pollution. Electric space heaters or other portable heater options are gradually replacing them because they are less expensive, less dangerous, and more convenient.

Even though they are more expensive when compared to other space heater models, these models are still fairly inexpensive to buy. However, the harmful emissions that they produce when burning kerosene, oil, or gas directly harm those who use these space heaters to stay warm while also harming the environment.

Furthermore, these space heaters are not the safest option available on the market due to the very real risk of fire they pose.

Wood Or Wood Pellet Space Heaters

Wood or wood pellet heaters may be found as a component of central heating systems built into homes. They are a good alternative to central heating and can also be used as a second, supplemental source of heat in a specific room.

When compared to other space heaters, wood or wood pellet-burning stoves are a much more environmentally friendly option, but they are also much more expensive at first. It’s important to remember, though, that over time, investing in a wood or wood pellet heater will save you money because these fuel types are less expensive than other types of fuel or power.

Electric Inertia Space Heaters

With the most advanced output and safety technology, these space heaters are the most recent choices. These space heaters are more affordable and efficient in terms of energy use than other space heaters due to their inertia capacity.

In terms of heating output, cost, power consumption, and environmental impact awareness, these space heaters are comparatively the best. However, the cost to buy them is fairly high.

How to Use Space Heaters Safely?

Your safety is seriously put at risk if you use portable space heaters as your main source of heat. The primary purpose of space heaters is to supplement an integrated central heating system rather than to serve as the primary source of heat for a home.

Different space heaters pose different levels of risk. A space heater powered by old-fashioned kerosene, for instance, poses a greater risk than one powered by electric inertia. The likelihood of a space heater being dangerous increases with price and power, respectively. The risk of a space heater increasing with price and power is inversely proportional.

Some common risks to note are:

  • Accumulation of toxic pollutants in the home from portable kerosene, oil, and gas space heaters
  • Related risk of aggravating asthma or other respiratory diseases from using a kerosene, oil, or gas space heater
  • Risk of fire from all types of portable space heaters, especially higher power models
  • Risk of burns from coming into contact with portable space heaters

That said, portable space heaters can be a very practical choice for momentarily raising the temperature in a particular room as long as they are used responsibly and kept in good working order.

Where to Place a Space Heater?

You need to be careful where you place your space heater, as with most electrical and fuel-powered appliances. When choosing a location, keep the following aspects in mind:


Wherever you plan to spend the most time is where your heater should be placed. Put the appliance where the heat will quickly reach your bed in your room.

On other occasions, select a location such as your TV lounge where the majority of your family members will congregate. Additionally, make sure that items like furniture or other objects aren’t in the way; a high corner table or another suitable location might be a good idea.


Second, avoid placing your space heater close to any dampness or leaky pipes. This could endanger you and harm your heater.

Choose a place that is dry and free of any potential for spills, leaks, or moisture. Place your space heater elsewhere if possible, such as outside of a bathroom. Purchase a space heater made specifically for use in basements and other typical damp areas if you need to.


Do not place them up against a wall. Putting a space heater up against a wall means that the vents on the back of the heater are blocked.

Therefore, for safety, always leave a space of at least one foot between the heater and the wall.

People and Pets

Keep in mind that heaters should be placed away from foot traffic. They shouldn’t be left in areas where people or animals might interfere with them or knock them over, such as next to a door or in a hallway.

Ensure that it is secure and out of children’s and animals’ reach.

what is a space heater

What’s the Difference between Space Heater Vs Electric Heat?


Electric Heat: When looking at the costs one of the first costs you notice is your electricity bill. This bill details how much it will cost to heat your home. Since it costs money to produce electricity, this generally comes at a high price. One of the least efficient methods of heating results from the use of coal or natural gas in the production of electricity.

A little over 70% of the energy is wasted during the process of turning fuel into electricity. More energy is lost to the environment after that as it passes through your home. Because of this, the method is not only expensive but also harmful to the environment.

But when it’s really cold outside and you need your entire house to be at least moderately warm, you’ll need central heating to warm it up because it’s more affordable than buying several space heaters.

Space Heater: The costs associated with a space heater include the cost of initially purchasing the heater, as well as the costs of running the heater. In general, you have two options when buying a space heater: you can either spend a lot of money on one, or you can look for cheaper options or buy them used.

However, if you have a large space to heat up or multiple rooms that require multiple space heaters, it might not be cost-effective to use them because they only heat up a small area. Because space heaters and electrical heating use the same energy sources, this is true.


Electric Heat: There are two different ways to look at the efficiency of electrical heating. It is very effective and efficient if you need to significantly increase the temperature in your entire house. This is perfect for cold winters when you need the entire house to be warm in order to stay warm. The house should be warmed up and then kept at a particular temperature because you can program it to stop heating when the temperature is reached.

If you only need to heat a small area of your house, like the room in which you are currently sitting, it is inefficient and less effective. This is not only a waste of money, but it is also incredibly inefficient because the energy spreads out rather than concentrating on the area you want to heat.

Space Heaters: When it’s necessary to heat a small space or a single room, space heaters can be very effective—as long as they’re used safely. By making the particular room in use more comfortable for the user, they can be used as a great additional source of heating in addition to central heating. They can also provide heat to a specific person. But it might be less efficient than central heating in very cold climates or large areas.

What to Look for When Buying a Space Heater?

Let’s get into the details now that you know how different heaters operate and how to use them safely. Consider the following features and aspects when purchasing one:

Type of Heater

Think about the heater’s operating system. Would you prefer an infrared or radiant heater for quick spot heating? Or would you prefer to wait a while and use convective heaters to heat the entire space?

Consider the power source as well. Although they are less expensive to operate, electric heaters require less maintenance. On the other hand, combustion space heaters, like those that use propane, require frequent refilling but are less expensive to operate.


Every heater has a maximum number of square feet it can support, so keep this in mind when purchasing a heater.

The amount of heat it can produce increases with increasing wattage. Verify the heater’s specifications to make sure it can handle the size of your room.

Safety Features

Priority one is always safety. Check for safety features before becoming distracted by the space heater’s other distinctive selling points.

In the event that it tips over, your heater ought to shut off on its own. Additionally, look for exteriors that are cool to the touch and do not get hot.

Additionally, space heaters are equipped with sensors that turn them off when their internal temperature rises too high. Additionally, you ought to search for certifications attesting to their safety for use in homes.

Energy Efficiency

Look for models with an energy star rating because they will cost less to operate. In addition, select electric heaters if you’re a member of the green movement. Compared to combustion heaters, which emit harmful gases, they are typically more effective and environmentally friendly.

Other Features

Some other convenient features you should look for include:

  • Timer
  • portability (such as being lightweight and having wheels).
  • Thermostat
  • Remote control
  • Quiet mode

Effectively warming enclosed spaces with space heaters? Certainly, but are they secure? according to the product. To ensure that a space heater is safe to use indoors, always check to see if it has received certification from a reputable organization.

Apart from that, winter won’t be coming, at least not in your room, if you take precautions and place your heater wisely.