Refrigerator Compressor: Here’s What You Need To Know

What is a compressor in refrigerator

Because it is in charge of pumping refrigerant throughout the system to cool everything in the refrigerator, the compressor of a refrigerator is frequently referred to as the appliance’s “heart.” One of the four essential parts that keep a refrigerator running is the compressor. Now tell me, what does a compressor in a refrigerator do? How can you tell if the compressor in your refrigerator is damaged? We will address each of these queries individually in this article.

About The Refrigerator Compressor

A refrigerator compressor is one that condenses the refrigerant inside the appliance. In order to produce cooling in the refrigerator, the compressor is crucial. The food can be kept fresh for a long time in this way.

The compressor is also called the “heart” of the refrigerator. This is a crucial and expensive component of the air-cooling cycle. To move the refrigerant through the refrigeration cycle, the compressor in the refrigerator functions as both a motor and a pump.

How Does A Refrigerator Operate?

A refrigerator works due to the circulation of a refrigerant in it. As the refrigerant circulates in the refrigerator, it passes through the following four stages:


The refrigerant enters the compressor as a low-pressure vapor during the compression stage of the refrigeration cycle. The compressor condenses the refrigerant as it enters, pressurizing it. The compressor transforms refrigerant into high-pressure, high-temperature vapor as the compression process is finished.

The compressor sends the compressed refrigerant into the subsequent stage of the cycle once compression is complete.


The compressed refrigerant enters the condenser for condensation after being compressed.

The vapor refrigerant enters the condenser during the condensation phase and travels through numerous metal pipes. The heat of the refrigerant is released into the atmosphere through these metal pipes.

Compared to the inner refrigerant, the air around the metal pipes is much cooler. According to the law of thermodynamics, the heat moves from the low-temperature area to the high-temperature area. As a result, the heat is transferred from the refrigerant to the surrounding air.

The high temperature of the refrigerant becomes saturated due to the heat transfer process, changing the vapor refrigerant into a high-pressure liquid. The condenser moves the refrigerant to the following phase as it changes into a liquid state.


The liquid refrigerant enters the expansion valve during the third operating phase of the compression refrigeration system. The suction end’s pressure is kept constant by this valve.

Expanding the liquid refrigerant and lowering the pressure on the outlet side are the expansion valve’s primary goals. The temperature of the liquid refrigerant decreases as it expands, turning it into a low-temperature refrigerant.


After the expansion process is finished, the liquid refrigerant is introduced into the evaporator. It is a cooling component of the refrigerator or refrigerant that completely absorbs heat from the fluid in the cooling appliance.

The evaporator coil in the evaporator stage is used to circulate hot air through multiple fans out of the conditioned space. By absorbing the heat of the hot air, the cooler refrigerant lowers the temperature of the conditioned space.

After some time, the liquid refrigerant completely absorbs the heat from the warm air and begins to boil. It becomes a low-pressure vapor as the refrigerant boils. The cycle then repeats with the vapor refrigerant being sent back into the compressor.

Why Does The Compressor Fail?

Refrigerant Issues

Refrigerant is required for the compressor to function properly; it is compressed to cool the refrigerator. The compressor won’t be able to function properly if the refrigerant becomes contaminated, if it is too much, or if it is too little.

A puncture causes a refrigerant leak, whereas moisture entering the refrigerant system causes refrigerant contamination. When there is too much refrigerant present, the liquid refrigerant can damage the compressor when it returns to the compressor.

Dirty Condenser Coils

What is a compressor in refrigerator

The refrigerator’s condenser coils are typically found behind or underneath it. The condenser fan blows air over the coils to help produce cold air for the refrigerator, which is how the condenser coils function.

It is simple for the condenser coils to accumulate dust, pet hair, and dirt due to their location and the fan that blows outside air over them. Not helping matters is the fact that most people are not aware that condenser coils require periodic cleaning.

The compressor must work harder to cool the refrigerator when the condenser coils are dirty because they cannot function as effectively. Over time, this causes the compressor to become damaged.

The coils of a compressor can be accessed and cleaned with a vacuum attachment or with a compressor coil cleaning kit.

Power Surge

A high-voltage power surge, such as a lightning strike, causes an excessive amount of electricity to surge through the refrigerator and “fry” refrigerator components, such as the compressor and its start relay.

Wear And Tear

The compressor may malfunction due to normal wear and tear, just like all mechanical parts. However, the majority of compressors are made to last for a long time, so if the refrigerator is less than five years old, wear and tear is unlikely to be the cause of the compressor’s failure. Even after they start to fail, faulty compressors frequently continue to function to some extent for years; however, as a result, your refrigerator will likely start to run very inefficiently and loudly.

How To Determine Whether Your Refrigerator Compressor Is Bad?

Safety Warning

A trained technician who has experience with compressors and handling refrigerants should be trusted with the testing, repairs, and replacement of compressors. This is due to the fact that refrigerant gas is explosively dangerous and, if released, harmful to the environment. The compressor replacement process might also involve welding, depending on the refrigerator.

Compressor Noise

The noise your compressor will make is likely to be its biggest warning sign that something is wrong. You should be accustomed to the compressor’s regular hum as well as the louder humming or buzzing that occurs when the compressor intermittently activates to cool the refrigerator throughout the day.

The noise the compressor makes increases in volume when it is failing, possibly to the point where you can hear it from various rooms throughout your house. Every time the compressor turns on or off, a failing compressor might also make a knocking noise.

A compressor motor failure is typically indicated by a loud humming or buzzing sound, while a knocking sound indicates that the compressor motor is not securely fastened within the compressor, which results in the knocking sound.

It becomes a matter of how much noise you can tolerate, how efficient the refrigerator is still, and whether it is more cost-effective to replace the compressor or purchase a new refrigerator when your compressor starts making noises like this. If none of these options appeal to you, a skilled technician might be able to fix the compressor, but this is unlikely and probably not worthwhile.

The Compressor Struggles Or Turns Off Prematurely

What is a compressor in refrigerator

The compressor’s start relay malfunctioning is another reason for issues with the compressor. The compressor is powered when the start relay is operating normally. The compressor may struggle to operate, cease operating altogether, or shut off too soon if the start relay is malfunctioning. If you observe that the compressor appears to function occasionally but the refrigerator is not very cool, the start relay likely needs to be replaced.

The start relay can be easily replaced without incurring too much expense, which is good news. You can remove and shake the start relay to see if it has malfunctioned. There shouldn’t be any rattling when the start relay is shaken and held close to your ear. The start relay needs to be changed if there is a rattling sound.

Disconnecting the refrigerator’s power and removing the rear access panel will allow you to locate the start relay.

Compressor Overheats

Depending on the type, age, and design of your compressor, you can determine whether it is overheating. While some compressors may become warm when in normal operation, others may only feel warm.

Although compressors should be warm, if not hot, the heat they emit shouldn’t be too high. Although temperatures of 300 degrees Fahrenheit are not unusual for compressors if the temperature rises above that, the refrigerant begins to degrade and the compressor is damaged.

A defective compressor that needs to be replaced can cause overheating if there is too much or too little refrigerant present. The refrigerant levels can be checked by a qualified refrigerant technician, who can also decide whether or not the compressor can be repaired or needs to be replaced.

High Electricity Bills

Finally, if your electricity bills are noticeably higher than usual, your compressor may be defective. As it struggles to maintain the refrigerator’s cooling, a damaged compressor will use significantly more electricity than usual. It’s possible that the compressor has failed if your bills are higher and you’re observing any of the symptoms listed above.

How Can A Noisy Refrigerator Be Made Quiet?

Your refrigerator may generate noise due to many reasons. Therefore, before taking any step, you need to find the reason for the refrigerator noise. After finding the noise reason, next you need to fix it.

Call your technician and ask him to fix it if you don’t know how to.

Following is given some methods through that you can quiet your noisy refrigerator.

Soundproof The Inside Of The Refrigerator

Your refrigerator’s compressor and evaporator fans may make a lot of noise if any parts are lost or damaged. The refrigerator’s interior soundproofing can significantly lessen the noise it makes.

Use Of MLV

MLV (Mass Loaded Vinyl) should be used to cover the refrigerator’s interior. Sound-absorbing MLV is a substance. It is the best method for reducing air noise. The MLV may also be used to cover the condenser’s motor.

Reposition The Refrigerator

Due to its awkward positioning or placement, your refrigerator may also make noise. Because of its awkward positioning, your refrigerator may vibrate excessively and make a lot of noise. Thus, unusual noise and vibration can be eliminated by placing the refrigerator in the proper location.

What is a compressor in refrigerator

Use White Noises

A white noise generator is another option for momentarily blocking out refrigerator noise. This device gets rid of the refrigerator’s buzzing noise.

Clean The Refrigerator Fans And Compressor

Your refrigerator’s compressor and fan can malfunction if dust accumulates around them over time. Your fridge may make an extremely loud noise as a result of this malfunction. In order to prevent dust accumulation and compressor noise, it is therefore preferable to regularly clean the compressor and fan.

Replace Fan Motor

A motor connects the condenser fans. The fans are rotated and given power by this motor. Condenser coil cooling begins to produce as soon as these fans turn on. If the condenser motor is damaged, it either stops working or starts making a lot of noise. You should swap it out as soon as you can in this situation.

Fill The Fridge With Items

Sometimes the empty containers in your refrigerator start making noise. Placing various items, such as drinks and food, in the refrigerator will help to reduce compressor noise.

While full refrigerators can occasionally open and close in order to keep their contents cool, empty refrigerators cannot.

Replace The Compressor

The refrigerant is changed into a high-pressure vapor by the compressor of the refrigerator. Your refrigerator will begin making a lot of noise if the compressor for the refrigerant is damaged. Try to repair the compressor or buy a new one.

Isolate To Your Refrigerator

Isolating your refrigerator is one of the most popular solutions if it is continuously making loud noises and you are unable to fix the problem. Put your refrigerator in a separate room to make it quieter.

Replace Your Fridge With A Low Noisy Or Quiet Fridge

You should buy a new refrigerator with very low or no noise if you have exhausted all other options for reducing noise from your refrigerator. As a result of their advanced age, some refrigerators begin to make noise.

Replace your old, loud fridge with a new one that is less noisy if it is also very old.