How to Break a Padlock: the Most Effortless Ways

How to Break a Padlock: the Most Effortless Ways

Are you interested in learning how to open a padlock? You can learn the different ways to get into your house by breaking the padlock before you resort to spending your money on a professional locksmith. Shim, use a hammer to break the lock, or use a canister of frozen air to freeze it.

The procedures are simple and fundamental. Simply select the method that is most practical for you. Prior to beginning the tutorial, prepare the necessary materials. It’s also crucial to carefully follow the instructions.

How to Break a Padlock: the Most Effortless Ways

What Do You Need

Depending on the method you favor, you’ll need different supplies. Thankfully, it’s simple to locate the items. You can buy at the nearby hardware store or borrow from your neighbor. In the event that you lack the necessary materials, there are also other options.

Two U-shaped clasps/ Sharp scissors – Two metal U-shaped clasps should be ready if you want to shimm the padlock. They might be compact enough to stow between the padlock.

If you don’t have any U-shaped clasps, you can use an aluminum soda can to make your shims. To make your shim, get a pair of sharp scissors ready as well. There are six shims in a soda can.

How to Break a Padlock: the Most Effortless Ways

Hammer/Screwdriver – The best kind of hammer to use is a small sledgehammer. A fiberglass-handled 8-pound sledgehammer can be used. The alternatives to a sledgehammer are a bump hammer, mallet, or ball-pein hammer.

You can also use a screwdriver instead of a hammer. The lock must be bumped with considerable force, though. You can exert more force on the padlock by using a larger screwdriver.

2 Cans of Compressed air and Safety Gloves You’ll need two cans of compressed air if you plan to use freezing to open the padlock. This substance is frequently used to clean computers. A metal can be cooled to 67 degrees Fahrenheit by 1,1,1 trifluoroethane.

Wearing safety gloves is advised because you’ll be working with a hazardous chemical. If you feel comfortable wearing them, any pair of gloves will do. Additionally, they must be thick enough to shield your hands from the compressed air used to spray the padlock.

By Shimming:

Step 1: Determine What Kind of Padlock You Have

How many shims you require will depend on the type of padlock you have.

  • Numerological padlocks typically have a single-lock shackle. You only need to tighten one shackle when using this kind.
  • If your padlock has two locks, you will need to release the locking mechanism with two shims if it has one lock.

Step 2: Create Shims

If you don’t have a U-shaped clasp, you can use soda cans to make shims. Cut the can’s top and bottom portions off to create a long piece of aluminum. Six shims are possible to make.

Each shim measures roughly 2.5 inches in width and 1.5 to 1.75 inches in height. Make an “M” shape on each piece. After cutting out the shape, fold its legs up and around and top quarter in half.

Step 3: Shim the Padlock

You only need to insert the tools between the padlock’s shackles if you’re using two U-shaped clasps.

When finished, pull the wenches together until their handles touch in order to separate the locking mechanism from the shackle and the padlock.

Put it in the space created by the homemade shim and the padlock. Make sure that it is on the opposite side of the locking grove of the shackle. Turn the shim while raising and lowering the shackle.

By Hammering the Padlock:

Step 1: Create Tension Between the Shackle and the Padlock

No matter how many times you pound with a hammer, you cannot pry a padlock open without tension.

Pull the shackle away from the padlock’s body to exert tension. In order to pull the shackle, you can use a clamp or any other tool.

As little as possible, avoid holding the body of the lock since this is where you will strike it with the hammer.

Step 2: Hammer Down the Padlock

The area where the shackle is fixed must be pounded in order to remove the padlock’s pins. Make quick, short steps rather than a heavy blow.

Repeat this action until you sense the chains being released. Avoid using excessive force because it could hurt you or permanently harm the lock.

How to Break a Padlock: the Most Effortless Ways

By Freezing the Padlock:

Step 1: Spray the Padlock With Compressed Air

To ensure your safety while using this method, gloves are recommended. When the padlock is frozen, using a hammer and screwdriver to break the lock will be simpler.

First, position the air canister upside-down. Spray it on the padlock’s opening after that. Spend 20 to 30 seconds performing this action.

Step 2: Strike the Padlock With a Hammer

In the area where you sprayed the compressed air, firmly but cautiously tap the padlock with a hammer. The metal covering the padlock’s locking mechanism can be successfully broken with a few blows.

Keep in mind that using this method will no longer allow your padlock to function. Buy a new one to keep your house secured.


Knowing how to break a lock is a useful skill to have that could one day save a life, whether you’ve lost your only key or you need to enter a locked door due to an emergency. Have you decided on a strategy for picking a padlock? You can enter your home without spending a dime if you follow the instructions in this tutorial. Follow-through is simple for the steps. Additionally, you won’t need expensive tools. You can forward this article to friends who need to learn this life tip. I hope it will be beneficial to everyone.


How Do You Easily Destroy a Padlock?

The simplest way to accomplish this is to force the shackle away from the top of the lock by inserting two fingers into the shackle loop. This will position the locking pins inside the lock so they can be quickly removed. Make sure the shackle has all of the extra slack cut out of it.

What Padlock Cannot Be Broken Into?

Shackleless Padlocks
Contrary to their name, these do in fact have a shackle, but the shackle is completely enclosed by the steel body. It is completely concealed, rendering it impossible to tamper with or cut the shackle.

What Will Cut through a Padlock?

The most popular tool used to cut padlocks during forced entry is a bolt cutter.

Can You Break a Padlock With a Sledgehammer?

It turns out that even a small hammer can easily open any Master Lock. As demonstrated in this video, a Master Lock can be opened without a key or combination by simply tapping the side of the lock with a hammer.